An overlooked but potentially invaluable addition to the rack

Power Conditioning

A power conditioner is one of those items that might be pretty low on the “things to buy” list. But if you have a quality A/V equipment, a home studio, or home theater, you should definitely consider getting one sooner rather than later.

 So what is power conditioning? Is it like a surge protector?

Not really. Power conditioning is a kind of vague term to that covers voltage regulation, surge protection, spike protection and noise reduction of the AC power that runs all your equipment.

Conditioning power means that the AC line signal from the power company is being filtered for stability and even delivery. A quality power conditioner uses internal filter banks to isolate the individual power outlets to eliminates any interference between the devices plugged in. This is known as “noise suppression” and the rating measured in decibels will be listed on the specifications of the power conditioner. What you’re looking for is a higher decibel rating. The higher it is, the better the noise suppression. If a device does not specify the db rating you may do better to look at another model.

The Benefits of Clean Power

To deliver the proper voltage to sensitive equipment and handle loads with multiple devices.  Conditioners smooth out the AC and keep the voltage constant when the load varies.  Power conditioners also can provide surge suppression and noise filtering depending on the model, but these features are not its main purpose.


For more information, or to request a free demo or estimate, Call 630-386-6266, or email, or use the form below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.